Description of the area
Offshore wind power is built especially on the exclusive economic zone to the south from Åland and the Sea of Bothnia far from the shore, considering the environment and total economical (front of Pori and Rauma, from Uusikaupunki to Pori and on to Merikarvia). The state steers the construction (incl. subsidies), but also companies are realizing the potential of offshore wind power. The development of green technology has progressed so that building offshore wind farms further and further to the sea is profitable. This resolves the conflict between the nuisance/visual harm caused by offshore wind power and tourism in the area and thereby improves attitudes towards offshore wind power. The electrification of the archipelago becomes an issue when electric boats and habitation in the archipelago increase.
Small volume transport and the development of local production support living in the archipelago and services in the area. The archipelago has lots of opportunities for the testing and development of drone transport and different kinds of automation, which further increases the attraction of the area as a maritime competence centre and improves the opportunities to develop circular economy solutions. In this scenario, also minor maritime industry is dynamic in addition to large shipyards. Maritime industry in the area finds synergies with offshore wind power. Increased recreational boating increases safety risks at sea.
The state of the marine environment has also improved in the Archipelago Sea and the impacts of forestry and agriculture have been reduced as a result of a change in the political climate. People take care of the environment, move around and live in the archipelago ecologically (recycling, electrical transport etc.). The environmental load caused by communities is reduced and stores favour locally produced and sustainable products. The load caused by cruise tourism has been reduced and more and more cruise ships sail the Baltic Sea with the help of new environmentally friendly technologies. The submarine noise caused by sea traffic is brought under control.
Professional fishing sustains and grows stronger in the archipelago, especially in the form of coastal fishing. The fisher trade becomes more varied and expands into the sales of tourism and recreational services and the sales of processed products. Young fish are grown in circulating water facilities at the coast, and further growing moves to the open sea areas of the Archipelago Sea and southern Sea of Bothnia. The Archipelago Sea attracts lots of recreational fishers. Fishers and aquaculturers work together, offering fishing trips. The increased nature and experience tourism also increases interest towards fishing as a trade and the aquaculture technology. Increased innovation also expands the opportunities to use fish, algae and mussels in the pharmaceuticals industry, among other things. University competence in the area supports the R&D work for new products.
TOURISM AND RECREATIONAL USE (incl. cultural heritage)
Sustainability is emphasised in tourism in the area and people use sustainable transport connections. Private boating becomes electric and e-boats and the increased popularity of sailboats put pressure on the addition and development of marinas in the area and the improvement of waste processing (such as sorting, sewage). Nature tourism increases with the improved diversity and the increased appreciation of the nature. Tourism destinations include several villages in the archipelago. Nature tourism is implemented in a decentralised manner, and people do not concentrate extensively on specific areas. Access to the most sensitive areas is restricted. The archipelago culture and long history of the area attract tourists, and cultural heritage becomes a naturally integrated part of the area’s image.
Risks and opportunities
Archipelago Sea and southern Sea of Bothnia
- Risks include the even environmental load, keeping up with the change in terms of planning and legislation, inadequate upkeep of natural values, inadequate subsidy funds, pressure caused by increased tourism in the Archipelago Sea especially
- Opportunities include technological development, reduced noise from maritime transport, improved state of the water
- To be considered in particular in the planning of the maritime area: extensive knowledge of the various activities and their coordination and joint effects as well as good cooperation is required; key species and key habitats must be identified
- Risks include logistical challenges, financial challenges (incl. the need of national funding), overuse, unexpected impacts of new solutions, rigid decision-making
- Opportunities include new forms of small volume transport, Cleantech, improved services in the archipelago, new circular economy solutions, increased tourism opportunities
- To be considered in particular in the planning of the maritime area: coupling and monitoring of planning and implementation, required flexibility of planning and the possibility to make updates
- Risks include the reduction of privacy and peace, coordination of the interests of holiday and permanent habitation also with tourism
- Opportunities include good possibilities for participation, increased entrepreneurship in the archipelago, impact of maritime living on well-being
- To be considered in particular in the planning of the maritime area: Reaching and engaging the residents and operators in the area is important (motivation)