Examine the principles for the maritime spatial plan in more detail, such as the legislative background.
The maritime spatial plan was prepared in three parts. The planning solutions were made in comprehensive and wide-ranging collaboration with stakeholders along the entire coast, and they take into consideration the special characteristics of each area.
The maritime spatial plan identifies the needs of the marine environment and the wellbeing of maritime actors equally, without placing them in an order of importance. The sectors examined have different societal and community values, which the plan seeks to foster.
The planning solutions are based on the best available information, such as surveys, studies, modellings, expert assessments and regional characteristics.
A maritime spatial plan is a strategic development document illustrated by a map. Map markings are used to show the values of marine areas and existing activities and potential future sites for new activities and their alternative placement in all of Finland’s marine areas. The plan is not legally binding but assessment of its indirect and direct impacts and effectiveness forms part of the planning process.
The maritime spatial plan is a strategic view, formed together with stakeholder groups, of the sustainable use of a marine area and of supporting the good status of the marine environment.
The plan is a strategic development document which identifies in general terms the areas’ opportunities for multipurpose use and supports the harmonisation of maritime operations.
The plans look to the future and describe the target status for 2030.
The plan identifies the current and future potentials and synergies of maritime industries and the marine environment. By its nature, the plan opens up opportunities rather than excluding them.
Seamless collaboration across sectors, regions and national borders is important in drawing up the plan.
The plan has indirect steering impacts; as a tool for spatial planning it supports regional land use planning and regional development by producing information about the opportunities and framework conditions of maritime industries and the marine environment. However, the plan is not legally binding and does not form part of the land use planning system or land use plan hierarchy.
The impact of the plan arises by virtue of the planning process, in other words through the common understanding reached by the stakeholder groups, as well as through the commitment to the plan and the ownership experienced regarding it. The impact of the maritime spatial plan also arises from its link with national, regional and sectoral policy guidelines and strategies, and regional programmes and their realisation, and from supporting the goals of regional land use planning, regional development projects and natural resource plans and other maritime management plans.
The maritime spatial plan also examines the marine environment more broadly through ecosystem services and land-sea interactions.
– The plan indicates areas of significance and with potential. The markings in the plan are not intended to reserve areas for a particular purpose and should not be interpreted as such. Operations may also take place other than in the areas identified in the plan.
– The map markings can be seen in more detail by clicking on them. This provides information about the name of the location and a more detailed clarification, and a description of the marking.
– Note that markings may overlap each other.
– When viewing the map, background data can be accessed, providing additional information, e.g. on conservation areas.
– The marking card library is an integral part of the mapped plan. The library provides a general label for the map markings, a description of each marking, the planning principles, the characteristics and priorities in the planning areas, the interaction between the land and the sea, and the principles, surveys and studies.
Open interfaces of the Maritime Spatial Plan 2030 for Finland
The use of the maritime spatial plan interface requires software that supports WMS or WFS Interfaces. The software can be either GIS software or a web browser. Address of open interface service of the Maritime Spatial Plan 2030 for Finland is: