Synergies and conflicts

EnergyMaritime logisticsFishingAquacultureBlue biotechnologyMaritime industryExtractive sectorTourism and recreationCultural heritageNature conservation and managementNational defense
EnergyMaritime logistics and infrastructure allow access to offshore wind farms (construction and maintenance visits). The electrification of shipping means offshore charging points will be needed.
Artificial reefs can be used as foundations for offshore wind farms.

It is possible that aquaculture and offshore wind farms will be able to utilise the same maintenance connections when located near to each other.

The construction of offshore wind farms creates demand for the maritime industry (development and construction of vessels for construction and maintenance).

Land extracted in connection with the construction of offshore wind farms can be used in the extractive sector.

Offshore wind regions will be able to operate as tourist destinations in the future.
Studies carried out in connection with offshore wind energy projects may contribute to the research of underwater cultural heritage (infra reports related to wind energy projects).

Clean renewable wind energy is generally good for nature and the climate.

There are potential conflicts between the location of offshore wind farms and transmission cables and trawling areas. In addition, wind energy areas may affect the routes and spawning areas of migratory fish.

Offshore wind has harmful effects on the landscape for tourism. Activities may also become more difficult as offshore wind farms increase (incl. boating and other recreational activities).

The construction of offshore wind farms has a conflicting effect on the conservation of cultural heritage as it reduces unobstructed maritime landscapes and may destroy underwater cultural heritage.

The construction of offshore wind farms has a negative impact on ecosystems (construction, cables, maintenance visits). There is less impact in open seas.

In certain areas it is currently impossible to reconcile the Defence Forces’ needs with offshore wind (radars).

Maritime logisticsMaritime logistics enables access to aquaculture facilities.

Maritime logistics and the maritime industry share common shipping lane needs. Finnish maritime transport creates demand and is a test platform for the maritime industry.

The utilisation of shipping lane maintenance, dredging and transport in the extractive sector may create synergies in the future.

Maritime logistics and marine infrastructure support the tourism industry and enable seafaring. Scheduled transport connections are a precondition for tourism in the archipelago.

Seafaring is part of living cultural heritage.

Efficient maritime logistics ensures security of supply.

Shipping lane management and coastal erosion caused by traffic have a negative impact on the marine environment and fish stocks.

Emission limits are an opportunity for the maritime industry, but an additional expense for maritime logistics.

Maritime logistics may have a negative impact on landscapes.

Maritime logistics can have extensive negative impacts on the marine environment and nature (including noise, emissions, grey waters, non-indigenous species, dredging, toxic paints, coastal erosion)

FishingFry transplanting in aquaculture supports fishing. A common vision offers synergies in lobbying and marketing. Synergies could also exist in further processing and logistical contexts.

Possible synergies between blue biotechnology in the development of vessels and fishing techniques and in exploiting the side streams of fishing.

Innovations in the maritime industry will also support the fishing industry (including autonomous vessels).

Services provided by fishermen can also support the tourism sector (including transport in the archipelago). Hunting manages seal populations.

Fishing is a major part of the living cultural heritage. The survival of archipelago culture is dependent on coastal fishing.

Protection and good status of the marine environment promote the resilience of fish stocks. Fishing is part of the management of the ecosystem and eliminates nutrients from the sea.

In the construction stage of shipyards water turbidity increases and fish habitats are disturbed.

The extractive sector has negative impacts on marine ecosystems (fish stocks). Sea sand extraction causes turbidity and destroys breeding grounds.

There are conflicts between commercial fishing and recreational fishing.

Underwater cultural heritage may suffer from trawling.

Any overfishing of salmonids, bycatches, anchoring and ghost nets in the water will adversely affect the marine environment.

The Defence Forces may prohibit fishing in their areas.

AquacultureBlue biotechnology is also developing new technologies for aquaculture (incl. open water and circulation water technology and monitoring systems).

Innovations in the maritime industry can also have a positive impact on the development of the aquaculture sector.

Removal of nutrients from the sea by using Baltic Sea feed. Fish farming has a lower overall load on marine nature than agriculture.

The extractive sector has negative impacts on marine ecosystems and, consequently, also on aquaculture.

Aquaculture has a negative landscape effect. In addition, the aquaculture plants increase nutrient point source loads.

Aquaculture causes significant point-source nutrient loads.

Blue biotechnologyBlue biotechnology can develop new solutions for water purification onboard ships.

Blue biotechnology can develop monitoring of the status of the marine environment and nutrient recycling.

Maritime industryThe development of the maritime industry may lead to better dredging systems and specialised vessels suitable for the extractive sector.

The maritime industry and shipbuilding create conditions for tourism. Tourism creates demand for the maritime industry and cleaner solutions.
The development of new technologies and ships that are more environmentally friendly will create synergies between the marine industry and nature conservation (including cleantech and waste recycling).

National defence creates demand for special vessels.

The landscape effects of the maritime industry may be negative.

Industrial and port activities have negative impacts on the ecosystem (harmful substances, environmental impacts of transport, grey water, food waste).

Extractive sectorNational defence carries out seabed surveys which may also benefit the extractive sector.

Impact on the marine environment may permanently alter areas and affect recreational use.

The extractive sector can damage underwater cultural heritage.

The extractive sector is destroying the seabed and recovery is slow. Flow conditions change and turbid water affects flora and fauna.

Explosives in the seabed increase risks.

Tourism and recreationTourism maintains vitality and brings resources to the management of cultural heritage. Underwater cultural heritage creates opportunities for tourism, and hunting is an important part of Finnish coastal culture.

The goals of tourism and nature conservation support each other. Protected areas are also important tourist destinations, which also increases awareness of conservation. Clean nature is also a driving force for tourism. Hunting of non-indigenous predator species supports the control of non-indigenous species in general.

Areas formerly used for national defence can be used as tourist destinations.

Tourism is a burden on the marine environment (incl. litter, erosion, emissions).

Cultural heritageConservation of cultural heritage and nature conservation activities have synergies and shared interests.

Some wrecks have hazardous substances onboard and their discharge poses an environmental risk.

Nature conservation and managementThe closing of areas managed by the Defence Forces has a positive impact on the marine environment. The Defence Forces and the Border Guard carry out environmental surveillance and provide resources for combatting oil spills.